Iceberg Media Africa announces the official launch of, a website devoted to the needs of Nigerian parents and families. provides information on pregnancy, parenting, family life, health, fitness, love & sex, entertainment as well as the latest articles and research relevant to the needs of Nigerian parents.
The site also features various free tools that would be useful to parents and parents to be e.g. Nigerian baby name database, due date calculator, ovulation calculator, development milestones chart, pregnancy week by week guide and a database of common ailments.
The parenting forum on the site is designed to make it easier for Nigerian parents and would be parents to ask questions and talk about topics that are relevant to their needs.
The website was set up by its current Editor, Mrs. AnikeLawal, a Nigerian born, Irish, French and British educated wife and mother. According to her:
“Most people become parents, without even having to learn how to be parents and none of us are trained for this important role of parenting, yet it is probably the most important thing we will ever do.”
“Parents have less time nowadays to learn about things that are important to their roles as parents or improve their parenting skills. Society suffers when parents fail in their duties.”
“ intends to make the lives of Nigerian parents easier by providing the latest articles, news, viewpoints and tools on parenting and other topics related to parenting.” is committed to making the lives of Nigerian parents easier and on that quest is seeking contributions, comments and feedback from users on how we can best serve the needs of Nigerian parents.
Our goal is to inform, enrich and inspire the lives of our readers. We want to be the gathering place for the best of information for Nigerian parents and parents to be.
The website is also inviting experts in the fields of pediatrics, nutrition, child development and behavior, special needs, mental health, women’s health, education & childcare, dermatology, dentistry amongst others, to join its panel of experts.
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