Sunday, 8 December 2013

Discover How To Even Out Your Skin Tone

In our search for flawless skin, most of us are willing to try almost anything. We’re here to make it easier….

Here are some answers…

1.Drink lots of water.

Water is responsible for cleansing skin from the inside out and preventing wrinkles. Keeping well hydrated will keep your skin looking plump and fresh as a child’s.


2. Apply sunscreen regularly. Sun damage is one of the top causes of an uneven skin tone, so protect yourself by using a minimum SPF15 on a daily basis.

3.Blot Well

“Gently blot the face with a tissue or blotting papers, concentrating on the T-zone to absorb shine,” says McGrath. She likes

The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Facial Blotting Tissues.
4.Dust Up

Sweep powder over the T-zone, under the eyes, and around the mouth and chin. “Leave the cheekbones dewy. This makes the skin appear more luminous,” says McGrath

Try CoverGirl Clean Normal Skin Pressed Powder or Clinique Stay-Matte Sheer Pressed Powder, Mac and Mary Kay also make great powders

5.Forego junk food and eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead. The chemicals, oils, and sugar in junk food cause your skin to create more oil, which clogs your pores.


Source: Geneveive magazine

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